Lexpat Presents Strategic Review Report and Recommendations to the IIJ
- On April 8, 2021
- Capacity building, Counterterrorism, Management, Rule of Law, Strategy
Last November, Lexpat began conducting an institutional strategic review for the International Institute of Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ). Based in Malta, the IIJ is the world’s premier institution for training and building justice-sector capacity in rule of law-based counterterrorism.
Looking toward the next five years, the IIJ’s 14-member Governing Board of Administrators sought Lexpat’s assistance to conduct a thorough review and provide strategic insight that the Board will use to continue the IIJ’s steady growth and leadership in the field. Lexpat’s Nikoleta Chalanouli and Dianna English led the strategic review and presented our report and recommendations to the Board during its Annual Meeting on March 30.
One of three institutions inspired by the Global Counterterrorism Forum, the IIJ strengthens criminal justice systems and builds regional judicial, police and other criminal justice practitioner networks to promote justice, security, and human rights. Toward that end, the IIJ has provided rule of law-based training to more than 6,000 lawmakers, police, prosecutors, judges, corrections officials, and other justice sector stakeholders since its founding in 2014. Lexpat is proud to partner in this effort to strengthen the IIJ’s excellent work for years to come.