Lexpat’s Traldi & Pearlman Anchor NSLT Episode on Ukraine
- On April 28, 2023
- American Bar Association, Battlefield Evidence, Counterterrorism, Human Rights, International Law, International Relations, International Security, Legislation, National Security, Pearlman, Rule of Law, Russia, Traldi
The American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Law and National Security has posted the latest episode of its flagship National Security Law Today podcast, which features Lexpat Senior Attorney-Advisor Arthur Traldi and Managing Director Adam Pearlman, along with John Dermody of O’Melveny & Myers. Recorded on April 15, the three experts in national security, international law, and human rights engage in a wide-ranging conversation concerning the Russian private military company The Wagner Group and the current state of affairs of the war Ukraine, as well as what has been going on in the month since the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for Vladimir Putin’s arrest. They discuss the sanctions landscape, the potential for terrorism designations, the mounds of evidence of war crimes and other violations of international criminal law, and the international business climate and potential corporate exposure in light of the geopolitics of today. You can listen to the podcast here. (https://www.americanbar.org/groups/law_national_security/nslt/the-wagner-group-putins-indictment-and-the-current-state-of-play-in-ukraine/)
This is the third time Pearlman has been featured on the NSLT podcast, and Pearlman and Traldi previously teamed up on a different podcast, along with former ICC Prosecutor and now Chief Justice of The Gambia Hassan Jallow and DOJ’s Eli Rosenbaum (now Counselor for War Crimes) to discuss the case against Felicien Kabuga from the Rwanda genocide. They also co-authored a piece discussing cumulative charging of atrocity crimes and terrorism for the Lawfare Blog – also a major theme in today’s legal and policy discussions about Russia and the Wagner Group.